Dear Players, Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your patience while we have been organising registrations for additional aspects of our club. This is the last email that will go to 2020 players and families. Subsequent news will be only sent to those registered in 2021.
We are now pleased to open registrations for the following:
Under 8, Year 1 program (RAIDERS HOOPS).
This will be run on Wednesday afternoons from 4pm to 6pm in the Newman Lavalla inside court. There will consist of 2 groups, one from 4-5 and the other from 5-6. We do not accept pre-formed teams, as this is largely a skills session with some game play. This year, Adrian Majstrovich has agreed to run it. The season will start in term 2, 28th April, and conclude 25th August.
Please note we are limited to only 24 children, so we will take the first children who register.
To register for U8s (year 1) click here
Under 8, Year 2 program (AUSSIE HOOPS).
This program is run by Hawks, and Raiders. It occurs on Tuesday afternoons between 4.15-6.15 (again in two groups). The games are at Bendat stadium and consist of some skills sessions followed by a small game. The program starts in Term 2, 27th April and finishes 24th August.
Last year it was cancelled, so we ran our own games at Newman Marcellin Gym. We intend to do the same again this year in addition to the Tuesday afternoon sessions.
Please note that this program is limited to 30 children only, with 3 teams of 10. We will take the first 30 children registered, any pre-nominated teams can be sent to our registrar, Glenn Macri. We will take this into consideration, but will take the first 30 children, over someone in a pre-nominated team who has not yet registered.
We have now reached our maximum allowable number of registrations for year , but please click here to go on the wait list for an Under 8 Year 2 team.
Integrated Basketball Program.
This year, Dean Hodgson (email), has again agreed to run the IBP. This program provides the opporunity for everyone to play basketball, including those who are physically, intellectually or socially challenged for players aged 12 years old and older. We hope to have another carnival over the school holidays, but are also intending to have more regular competitions every few Saturdays. More details to come.
To register for the intergrated program click here
Go Raiders!
Richard Nolan
President NHR Raiders Basketball Club