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Singlet Collection + More

Dear Players, Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder about the singlet collection this Saturday the 13th and a few extra notes...


8.00am - 10.30am


Newman Sports Association, entrance into the car park of Tuscany Way Map.

Who needs to come and what will happen?

All players, including those who have registered for U8 and IBP, as well as all teams from year 3 through to year 12. This is the opportunity to come try on and select your playing singlet. Some managers will do it on behalf of the team, other individuals will want to attend. If your manager is picking up on your behalf, PLEASE ensure you also have shorts, if not please organise them to be picked up/purchased at the same time.

Singlets will be arranged in numbers primarily (only 4-15), with varying sizes present. Once you have selected your singlet, please register the number and size with the committee member present. They will have laptops present to record in real time.

If you cannot attend, please organise someone else to attend on your behalf to collect your playing singlet.

Other items

SHORTS - We will also have shorts for sale. A new pair costs $30, second hand costs $10. We will also be buying second hand shorts for $10. Please ensure all players have both singlet and shorts ready for the first game.

HOODIES - our hoodies will be available to purchase. They are not compulsory, but you may regret not having one.

SOCKS - our uniform stipulates white socks, Raiders socks are not compulsory, but are available to purchase.

EFTPOS facilities will be available.

COACHES BAGS - all coaches, or managers, should collect the team bag. It will be to the left of the entry, please do not leave without picking up the bag, and first aid kit if needed.

TRAINING BALLS - if you are training at a venue that does not have balls, please check in with our equipment team and get some balls to take to your training sessions.

Integrated Basketball Competition

Just a reminder of an extra opportunity for game play. Our integrated arm will be having games every second week at Churchlands high school. I have attached a link below that players can register their interest on.

Games are on Saturdays between 12.00-1.30. The first session being on 27 March. We understand that some teams will be playing their own games at that time, but for those who are in high school and want to be part of it, we would ask you join a squad with some of your friends. Registering is not committing to be at all games, just a registration of interest. Click here to sign up.

Training courts.

If you have not booked your training court, please get in touch with our court booking team Email.

Under 8's

We have had great news that we can have 4 teams this year in the year 2 competition. We are in the process of finalising numbers and I expect we will be able to send out teams and more information within the next 2 weeks for both year 1 and year 2.

For all under 8's, you will need a singlet, but the singlet number is not important as there is no formal scoring, or fouls to be recorded. Please be aware that we may be short on singlets, but there is a new shipment that will be here before you start, so everyone will have a singlet before their first game.

The season is nearly here. Time to get practicing.

Go Raiders !!

Richard Nolan

President NHR Raiders Basketball Club


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