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Raiders Update and AGM

Dear Players, Parents and Carers, 

I hope you are enjoying the season as it unfolds. By now all teams should be well into both training and games with the ups and downs that go with competition. It is great to see familiar faces at the stadiums and the kids playing again. There are a few notices. 

1. Annual General Meeting

Just a reminder that our AGM is coming up on Wednesday evening 5th August at 8pm (arrive from 7.45) at Newman Sport centre. We will discuss the season progress so far, financials, including potential for refunding some money and plans for the future including positions available. I would encourage as many of you as possible to attend so you can all contribute to shaping the future of Raiders Basketball club. 

The positions that will be vacant in 2021 include:

  • President

  • Training Court coordinator

  • Manager liaison

  • General Member(s)

There is a fantastic group running your committee, it is a great opportunity to join and become a part of our community. If you are not able to attend the AGM, but are interested in coming onto the committee, feel free to get in contact with me before the meeting. 

2. Coach Courses and Training

We have 2 coach courses coming up. The first will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10th-12th August. It will be at Newman Marcellin Gym. The sessions are for coaches, but your coaches are encouraged to invite you, their players to attend also. This is a great alternative to the usual training with a chance to work on skills and player development. 

RSVP is essential, but will be through coaches and managers of each team. 

Please be aware that teams who usually train at Holy Rosary will NOT be able to train there in the week 10-14 August as the school needs the gym. Those training at Newman Marcellin will also have restricted access on Monday - Wednesday 10-12 August due to the coaching course, but your coaches and managers will advise you on this further. 

3. Help needed for year 1 under 8 program. 

We are very keen to have some younger players, from U14 and upwards to help coach the under 8 program for year 1's. This is run on a Tuesday afternoon from 4-6 at Newman Lavalla gym, you would be needed for 1 hour. This is a great opportunity to get a taste of coaching and helping the club. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in coaching next year. If you are interested, please email Peter Zafiropolous.

4. Wind ups. 

This year, given the current COVID rules and a restriction on people who can congregate in one place, we are currently looking at options as to the end of year wind up. At present, it looks like we will have to have individual team wind ups. Unfortunately it is not likely we will all be able to meet in Newman Sports centre as a group like we have in the past. I will keep you informed a final decision once determined. As such, we have not published any dates for these wind ups. 

We wish you and your teams all the best for the season. 

Go Raiders!  

Richard Nolan

President NHR Raiders Basketball Club


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