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Inclusive Tournament Details

Dear Participants,

Please find the teams, fixtures and rules attached for this weekends Raiders Inclusive Basketball Tournament.

Please meet on Court 3 at Bendat Basketball Centre, Perry Lakes at 8:30am, Saturday 11th July, for the official welcome. The first game starts at 8:45. 

Thanks again for supporting the the tournament. I have filled the 8 teams but am still a couple of umpires down. The umpire situation just means that a more confident umpire may have to umpire by themselves.

This is a low key, socially based tournament which is designed to increase the size of the social groups of our club members with a disability.

Remember to wear your Raiders tops. Each team will wear either the white or reverse it to play in maroon. The Girls team will be able to pick a colour and stick with it. 

The Teams

Click Here to view the teams

The Fixtures

Click Here to view the fixtures

The Rules

  1. Umpires are to supply their own whistles.

  2. The spirit of basketball applies but many exceptions to the rules are allowed.

  3. Each non integrated player must earn the names of the Integrated players in all teams.

  4. At the end of each game teams should elbow bump and thank each other.

  5. Integrated players are to be given accommodation so they can double dribble and carry the ball .

  6. (They can not push the rules so much that it becomes ridiculous though.)

  7. Jump balls to be replaced by side ball at the start of the game and during the game . This will be decided by a paper , scissors , rock challenge.

  8. Shooting fouls will result in penalty goals being awarded.

  9. 5 points per shot will be given when an INTEGRATED player scores.

  10. 1 point per shot will be awarded when a mainsteam player scores.

  11. Games will be 20 minutes long, no half time breaks and no change of end.

  12. The paper , scissors, rock game at the start will decide who starts with the ball, the loser of the PSR gets to chose which end they will shoot.

  13. If a game is becoming a blow out, umpires can instruct players to change teams.

  14. There will be no winning team in this tournament. The aim of the tournament is for the Integrated players to meet new people with similar interests.

That's about it folks, turn up, enjoy the day and try and introduce yourself to others in the club.

kind regards

Dean Hodgson

Head of the Independent Basketball Program



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