Dear Parents, Players and Carers,
With the news about coming out of COVID lockdown now out, many of you will be wondering what this means for Basketball. At present it is a mixed bag.
BWA news release... click here The new rules state that we can only have gatherings of 20 people at inside venues, and coaches and players need to wear a mask. The rule of not needing a mask with vigorous exercise only pertains to outside exercise. I have had feed back from Newman and Bendat so far. If guidelines change, we will let you know. The implications of this are as follows: Training At present training can still occur where there are 20 people or less, including staff at a venue. I have listed our venues below as to whether training is permitted, or not, if no response received yet, then I've stated my opinion, but confirmation pending. Newman Marcellin - Training ON - confirmed Newman Lavalla - Training ON - confirmed Bendat - Training CANCELLED- confirmed Holy Rosary - Training likely on, to be confirmed Churchlands - Training likely cancelled to be confirmed Lords - Training likely cancelled, to be confirmed. Integrated basketball session Friday 30 April - CANCELLED Please abide by the 20 per venue rule, NO spectators, and make sure you finish a little early to ensure the venue is ready for the next team, the next team should not enter until their scheduled time. It does not matter if you feel these measures are necessary or not. It is a requirement of the venues, and failure to comply will result is us not being able to use these venues. A record must be kept for all people attending training this week - can the coach or manager, please keep a copy of this for the next 4 weeks? Games The latest advice from Hawks is that Friday night games are cancelled. Saturday games at Bendat and Lords are currently anticipated proceeding, pending further announcements. Under 8 competition Year 2 - The Tuesday kick (27 April) off has been cancelled this week. At present, we will wait for more information about the Saturday morning session but will advise through your coaches and managers. Tuesday 4th May is the intended start date. Year 1 - due to the requirement for parental support, this has also been cancelled this week. It will commence on Wednesday 5th May. Intensive skills training As per my last email, Raiders is conducting a skills session for players. Spaces are limited to 1-2 for each age group, other than U12, which is now full. Please register as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. WE ARE WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION IF THIS WILL PROCEED THIS WEEK, OR WILL START THE FOLLOWING WEEK. Under 10's and miniball These will be at Lavalla, between 4-5pm. Fridays 30/4-28/4. Maximum of 10 players. Please register here Under 12's Lavalla 5-6pm, Fridays 30/4-28/4. FULL Under 14's Marcellin 6.15-7.15, Fridays 30/4-28/4. Maximum of 10 players Please register here Under 16 and Under 18's Marcellin 7.15-8.15, Fridays 30/4-28/4. Maximum of 15 players. Please register here If you have any issues with registrations, please let Glenn know.
If you have any queries regarding content and sessions, please let Damien know. Please stay safe, and hopefully we can get back to normal in the next week or so. Looking forward to seeing some great basketball again. Go Raiders!!
Richard Nolan
President NHR Raiders Basketball Club